Center for Behavioral Health is a private rehab located in Frankfort, Kentucky. Center for Behavioral Health specializes in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health and substance abuse, and opioid addiction. more about this center
Kentucky's Choice offers outpatient and education services to individuals struggling with alcohol and drug issues. Kentucky's Choice is located at Frankfort, Kentucky. Services include required DUI/ADE Classes, substance abuse education, substance abuse treatment, assessments, outpatient s... more about this center
AA – Alcoholics Anonymous is a private rehab located in Frankfort, Kentucky. AA – Alcoholics Anonymous specializes in the treatment of Substance Abuse. more about this center
TAG Counseling Recovery Center offers outpatient services for individuals with alcohol and/or substance addiction. The program includes individual counseling, trauma therapy, education and more. TAG Counseling Recovery Center is located at Frankfort, Kentucky. more about this center
Windows of Discovery is a private rehab located in Somerset, Kentucky. Windows of Discovery specializes in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, opioid addiction, and substance abuse. more about this center
Kentuckys Choice offers outpatient treatment for individuals with alcohol and/or substance addiction. The program includes individual counseling, group therapy and more. Kentuckys Choice is located at Somerset, Kentucky. more about this center
Lexington VA Medical Center - Somerset VA Clinic is a public rehab located in Somerset, KY. Lexington VA Medical Center - Somerset VA Clinic specializes in the treatment of Primary Care and Mental Health Care. The mission of Lexington VA Medical Center – Somerset VA Clinic is to improve th... more about this center
Catalyst Behavioral Health provides a variety of mental health and substance abuse treatment for individuals in need of behavioral health services. Catalyst Behavioral Health is located in Somerset, Kentucky. At Catalyst Behavioral Health, aims to provide an array of high-quality services.... more about this center
Oasis Care Center – Eagle Heights Church is a private rehab located in Somerset, Kentucky. Oasis Care Center – Eagle Heights Church specializes in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, dual diagnosis, opioid addiction, and substance abuse. more about this center
SelfRefind specializes in evidence based substance abuse treatment, integrating a trauma informed recovery-oriented systems of care model with emphasis on medication-assisted treatment. SelfRefind offers affordable care for addiction recovery. SelfRefind is located at Somerset, Kentucky. more about this center