Primary Health Care (PHC) - Medical Clinic is a nonprofit community health center dedicated to serving those that experience barriers to receiving health care. PHC strives to find and successfully treat medical, dental and mental health conditions before they become serious enough to requi... more about this center
The Substance Abuse Treatment Unit of Central Iowa – SATUCI is found in Marshalltown, Iowa. This addiction treatment center is privately operated and focuses on treating drug and alcohol abuse, including opioid abuse. Mental health is also a treatment consideration at this drug rehab cente... more about this center
Sundance Rehabilitation is a private rehab located in Marshalltown, Iowa. Sundance Rehabilitation specializes in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health and substance abuse, and opioid addiction. more about this center
Youth & Shelter Services (YSS) provides hope and opportunity to children youth and families through their prevention, treatment and transition program. Youth & Shelter Services (YSS) is located in Marshalltown, Iowa. more about this center
VA Central Iowa Health Care System - Marshalltown Community Based Outpatient Clinic is a public rehab located in Marshalltown, IA. VA Central Iowa Health Care System - Marshalltown CBOC specializes in the treatment of Primary Care and Mental Health Care. VA Central Iowa Health Care System ... more about this center
AA – Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-profit rehab located in Marshalltown, Iowa. AA – Alcoholics Anonymous specializes in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse. more about this center
Adults is a private rehab located in Marshalltown, Iowa. Adults specializes in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health and substance abuse, and opioid addiction. more about this center