Credence Counseling and Therapy is a public rehab located in East Hartford, Connecticut. Credence Counseling and Therapy specializes in the treatment of dual diagnosis, and mental health. more about this center
Focus On Recovery United is a private rehab located in East Hartford, Connecticut. Focus On Recovery United specializes in the treatment of Substance Abuse. more about this center
InterCommunity is a community health non-profit organization located in East Hartford, Connecticut, providing primary care and behavioral health services to individuals, families, and communities. InterCommunity offers initial assessments, individual, family and group therapy, Intensive Ou... more about this center
Paces Counseling Associates is a private rehab located in East Hartford, Connecticut. Paces Counseling Associates specializes in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, opioid addiction, and substance abuse. more about this center
Oxford House East White is a non-profit house located in East Hartford, CT. Oxford House East White helps individuals struggling with mental health and substance abuse by providing a sober living environment. The Oxford House has a unique concept in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction... more about this center