Jewish Family Service
Jewish Family & Children's Services (JFCS) is a substance abuse and mental h...
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous is a nonprofit substance abuse support group in Phoenix, Arizona. AA groups are not typical rehabilitation programs but are peer-led recovery groups that follow a set structure. They serve adult clients.
AA groups help clients through a structured environment that walks them through the stages of recovery under the guidance of a mentor. By participating, clients can offer their own life experiences to help one another.
AA programs are not traditional rehabilitation programs. They occur in casual settings, do not involve clinical or medical methods, and usually don’t involve medical staff. These are support groups supported by members.
AA groups follow an established 12-Step program that begins with clients admitting their addiction and accepting that they are powerless over it without help. They are encouraged to find help in a self-designated higher power. As they continue following the Steps, clients learn how to accept responsibility for their actions and the importance of making amends with those whom their addiction has hurt.
Ultimately, clients who progress through the program become mentors to those new to the program.
AA meetings do not require insurance. However, clients who are interested in traditional rehab programs should first consult with their insurance provider to confirm coverage, as in network and out of network benefits can vary.
Contact us for more information: (602) 264-1341
Connect with AA - Alcoholics Anonymous by calling their admissions team directly.
(602) 264-1341 Website Get DirectionsGroup therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.
Jewish Family & Children's Services (JFCS) is a substance abuse and mental h...
Enchantment Workshops, located in Phoenix, Arizona, provides alcohol and drug re...
Southwest Behavioral Health - Erickson Outpatient is a behavioral health care an...
Phoenix Shanti Group is a private rehab located in Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix Sha...